Sunday, 16 November 2008

We where given a task to create our first continuity task to try out using the filming equipment and using the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot.

For this piece, I took the role of acting aswell as amber. Although this isn’t all I did. Both Amber and me also helped with the direction and the decisions made whilst Sehb filmed. We did find the task challenging, as all of us are more creative with the ideas and planning so we found it slightly difficult to get used to the technology side of the filming. Especially when it came to panning and moving the camera about as we where in such a small confined space. We also had to make sure we didn’t break the 180 degrees rule and I don’t believe we did break it. Although we weren’t able to finish the task, we included the key elements that we had to include.

We did find the editing difficult, especially getting the sound in sync with the shots. We did try really hard though and I do believe it was a good first attempt of using the camera and getting used to the rules.

I also think we work as a good team and once we get used to using the equipment/used to the rules and elements of filming, we will produce quality work.

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