Film certificates
Certificates are given to movies to control the appropriate footage that is used in the film for the certain target audience. From this research I’ll be able to decide on the most appropriate certificate suited to the thriller opening, although I will have to remember there is no budget in the making of it. The props and overall organization of the opening will be paid with our own money; this means we will have to use our imagination to create suspense with minimum resources.
For a thriller movie, nothing lower than a 15 would be suitable.
Certificate of 15:
- Language:
- May be frequent use of strong language and extremely strong language will only being excepted if justified. Use of extremely aggressive strong language won’t be accepted.
- Nudity:
-Nudity may be allowed but not in strong detail.
- Sex:
-Sexual activity can be portrayed but again not in strong detail.However there can be strong verbal references to sex.
- Violence:
-Violence is allowed but the effects shouldn’t be focused on and scenes of sexual violence should be discreet and brief.
- Imitable techniques:
- Dangerous techniques such as self-harming, suicide etc should not be shown in detail. This is the same for the accessibility and use of weapons.
- Drugs:
-Drugs are allowed to be shown but not to be shown promoting drug misuse
Certificate of 18:
A film with an 18 certificate will indicate that anything could be shown throughout the duration of the film, as 18 is considered as adult.
-Extreme supernatural gory horror scenes
-Sadistic violence
-Sexual violence
-Hard drug use
-Detailed attention to sex verbally and visuallyI believe our thriller should be targeted towards a 15 certificate. I feel it would meet are target audience more specifically as the characters will be of a similar age but no younger than 15. To produce an 18 wouldn’t be appropriate as no one in our group/ year is over 18, it would also cost a lot more money that we don’t have to produce it.
Making a 15 still means we can have references to most aspects as long as its not in detail.